



   Le Tract-o-fil is a monofilament made of PET (polyethyenterephtalate) with lightness and better resistance than nylon and metallic wire.
      rhomb01d.gif Tensile strength more that steel and cheaper that iron.
      rhomb01d.gif High mechanical resistance and high stability by process of fabrication, the wire is mono-oriented.
      rhomb01d.gif High dimensional stability, he preserve inalterability dimensional propriety between: - 35° and + 70°C.
      rhomb01d.gif Light: 7 times that zinc coated wire.
      rhomb01d.gif Aptitude for the re-use: the Leaflet-O-wire can be tied very many times in the condition of carrying out three towers died around the stakes or arches before making the node.
      rhomb01d.gif  Resistance to UV: loss of 3.5% of the mechanical performances after 1300 hours of intensive exposure to UV, corresponding to 3 months of exposure in the south of France.
      rhomb01d.gif  Tension of installation: 1% overall length, for example for 100 meters to envisage 1 meter.
      rhomb01d.gif  Is not conducting of electricity, it is an insulating naturalness.
      rhomb01d.gif  Very robust: it yields but does not break.
      rhomb01d.gif  Very resistant to the atmospheric agents. The Tract-o-fil  is completely insensitive to any corrosion and offers one lifespan 2 to 3 times higher than the wire; it has one lifespan higher than 20 years.
      rhomb01d.gif  Very fast to pose: very light it allows an appreciable profit on the costs of labour.

     Examples of use:

       rhomb01d.gif In vine growing for the training of the vines with wine and grapes of table.
       rhomb01d.gif In arboriculture for the training of the fruit trees.
       rhomb01d.gif In greenhouse: wire of support of blinds screens.
       rhomb01d.gif Wire of support net-mesh for culture of eyelets and pinks under plastic greenhouses.
       rhomb01d.gif For systems of irrigation drop by drop.
       rhomb01d.gif Guides for Venetian blinds.
       rhomb01d.gif  Support for tables, lamps, etc…


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